Nylon Filterbags, Polypropylene Filterbags, Polyester filterbags

Filter Bags

Van Borselen has a complete range of filter bags for the process industry. The Van Borselen filter bags are available in both standard sizes and custom-made options. The filter bags are available in different materials, including polypropylene, nylon, polyester, Nomex, Ryton, PTFE, and more. A filter bag is available in micron ratings from 0.5 µm to 1800 µm. All our filter bags are silicone-free and EC- and food-grade-approved.


Filter Bags
Filterzakken Polypropyleen, zakkenfilter felt

Filter bags made of polypropylene are available in four standard sizes and in finenesses from 0.5 to 200 microns.

Filt filterzakken polyester grootte 1, 2,3 en 4.

Filter bags made of polyester are available in four standard sizes and in finenesses from 0.5 to 200 microns. The polyester filter media is suitable for applications up to 140 °C.

Nylon FIlt zakkenfilter, filterzakken nylon felt

Filter bags made of nylon felt material are suitable for high-temperature applications and are highly chemical resistant.

Filterzakken extended life

Extended Life filter bags are available in polypropylene or polyester needle felt, ranging from 0.5 to 100 microns, and can have a lifespan up to 5 times that of the equivalent standard filter bag.

zakkenfilter hoge efficiency

The high-efficiency filter bags are available in sizes from 1 to 25 microns and have an efficiency of over 95%. They are available in both polypropylene and polyester and in four standard sizes.

Absoluut filterzakken Grootte 1, 2, 3 en 4.

The Absolute Series filter bags are a unique series of filter bags available in 1 to 10 microns, with an efficiency of over 99%. They are ideal for critical applications where absolute filtration is required.

Felt filterzakken duplo

The Duplo Series offers up to 50% more surface area than a conventional filter bag and is designed to provide the customer with a longer lifespan without changes to the filter housings.

Zakfilter Duplo

The Duplo series, made of mesh material, offers up to 50% more surface area than a conventional filter bag and is designed to provide the customer with a longer lifespan without changes to the filter housings.

Nylon mesh filterzak, grootte 1, 2, 3 en 4.

Nylon filter bags made of mesh material are available in four different sizes and in finenesses from 1 to 1550 microns.

Polypropyleen Gaas filterzak
Filter bag made of polypropylene mesh, available in four standard lengths and can be custom made. The filter bags are available in micron ratings from 1 to 1550 micron.
Polyester Gaas filterzakken

Filter bags made of nylon mesh material are available in four standard sizes, but they can also be made custom-specific. The nylon filter bag is available in finenesses from 1 to 1550 microns.

Multi layer felt filterzakken

Multi Layer filter bags can be produced with 2 or 3 layers of polypropylene or polyester needle felt.

filterbags Guide

Filter zak Grootte/ Bag size Diameter (mm) Lengte/ Lenght (mm) Oppervlakte/ Surface (m2) inhoud/ Vulume (L) Flow (m3/hr)
1 180 430 0.25 11 20
2 180 810 0.5 20 40
3 104 230 0.07 1.9 6
4 104 360 0.12 3.2 10


Chemical resistance bag filters

Media/ collar type Acids Alkali Solvent Oxidant Max. Operating Temp. (C)
Polyester filterbag G G E P 140
Polypropylene Filterbag E E G G 93
Nylon filterbag F G E F 110
Nomex G G E E 200
PTFE E E E E 260
Santoprene E E E E 200

Table key: P= Poor, F = Fair, G= Good, E= Excelent

questions about industrial filter bags? call +31 (0)793412314