Nylon Filterbags, Polypropylene Filterbags, Polyester filterbags

Filter Bags

Van Borselen Filters has a complete range of filter bags for the process industry. The Van Borselen filter bags are available in both standard sizes and custom-made options. The filter bags are available in different materials, including polypropylene, nylon, polyester, Nomex, Ryton, PTFE, and more. A filter bag is available in micron ratings from 0.5 µm to 1800 µm. All our filter bags are silicone-free and EC- and food-grade-approved.


Filter Bags
Multi layer felt filterzakken

Multi Layer filter bags can be produced with 2 or 3 layers of polypropylene or polyester needle felt.

filterbags Guide

Filter zak Grootte/ Bag size Diameter (mm) Lengte/ Lenght (mm) Oppervlakte/ Surface (m2) inhoud/ Vulume (L) Flow (m3/hr)
1 180 430 0.25 11 20
2 180 810 0.5 20 40
3 104 230 0.07 1.9 6
4 104 360 0.12 3.2 10


Chemical resistance bag filters

Media/ collar type Acids Alkali Solvent Oxidant Max. Operating Temp. (C)
Polyester filterbag G G E P 140
Polypropylene Filterbag E E G G 93
Nylon filterbag F G E F 110
Nomex G G E E 200
PTFE E E E E 260
Santoprene E E E E 200

Table key: P= Poor, F = Fair, G= Good, E= Excelent

questions about industrial filter bags? call +31 (0)793412314