
Metaal filterkaars

Pleated metal filter cartridges available in a many different micronratings and lengths. These filter cartridges are ideally suited for high flow and temperatures.

Poreus gesinterd metalen filterkaarsen

Sintered filter cartridge available in a wide variety of lengths and materials. The filter cartridges are extremely suitable for the filtration of liquids and gases with very high temperatures.

Filterkaarsen gemaakt van RVS.

Filtercartridge made of sintered metal, ideally suited for high temperature application. Filter cartridge are available in a wide variety of materials, length and micronratings. 

Multi round filterhousing made of SS316

Industrial filter housings are suitable for filter cartridges. Up to 144 40-inch filter cartridges can be placed in one filter housing. These industrial filter houses are available in many different pressure ratings, materials, and connections.

Sweco Pharmasep
The PharmAsep is a sieving machine specially made for the pharmaceutical industry. The vibrating sieve machine enables sieving, washing and vacuum drying, all in one aseptic environment.
Geperforeerde platen voor trilzeefmachines
Perforated sheets for Self-cleaning kits.